Thanks for sharing this insightful piece. And may God grant you success in America.

Racism's twin brother, tribalism, is wreaking havoc & underdevelopment in my country non-stop.

Here, many Nigerians seem to not care about corrupt leadership so long as the corrupt unruler is from their own tribe.

I discovered for myself that the first & most potent cure for tribalism is the realization that I have traces of that deadly "virus" in me. Having realized it, I have since expunged it.

Similarly, I dare say, many White people (with due respects) also have traces of racism in them.

The first & most potent cure is to recognize that these two evils are saliently present in every homo sapien living on our planet.

Having recognized thaose dormant but deadly viruses, each one of us must proceed to expel them through self-cure.

I took that vaccine several decades ago. And it's as effective as ever. 🀣



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